Monday, July 28, 2008

Orkut Daily fortune

A friend suggested this as an interesting game, so I decided that all of us try it out. This is a simple game. Open orkut, read ur "Today's fortune", append an "in the bed" statement to it and post it in the comment section to this blog. For example, if your fortune says "You will have a comfortable old age", post a comment to this blog that says "You will have a comfortable old age in the bed". It will be fun, lets try it :))



Observer said...

I go first: "Today's fortune: You have an unusual equipment for success, use it properly in the bed".

Prototyper said...

You are very expressive and positive "in words, act and feeling in the bed"

Sir Badman Hoke said...

You have an unusual equipment for success, use it properly in the bed

himangshu said...

You are deeply attached to your family and home in bed

Unknown said...

The will of the people is the best law in the bed

Varun Torka said...

You have an important new business development shaping up in the bed

Arnab said...

You will be advanced socially, without any special effort in the bed :P

Unknown said...

In God we trust; all others must pay bed

Pessimist said...

You are careful and systematic in your business arrangements in the bed

DooD said...

Your love life will be happy and harmonious in the bed

Chaitanya said...

Your love life will be happy and harmonious in the bed

Atul said...

Today's fortune: "Time is the wisest counselor in the bed "

Unknown said...

You and your partner will be happy in your life together in the bed

abhigyan said...

The best prophet of the future is the past in the bed

Ankit Prasad said...

A thrilling time is in your immediate future in the bed .. :D

Boku said...

You will spend old age in comfort and material wealth in the bed :(

ανωνυμία said...

Serious trouble will bypass you.. in the bed

Unknown said...

In God we trust; all others must pay cash in the bed

Dhaval said...

Your talents will be recognized and suitably rewarded in the bed.